Not NURSING, this Ladakh Tibetan girl learns YOGA for 3 Years in College. And shows you Asanas to treat Phowa, Diabetes and High BP   

Not NURSING, this Ladakh Tibetan girl learns YOGA for 3 Years in College. And shows you Asanas to treat Phowa, Diabetes and High BP   

Karma Rinzin Dolma has studied Yoga for 3 years in Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya College in Haridwar, India.

In Tibetan community in Exile, where majority of girls choose to study nursing after completing School, Karma chose Yoga.

I thought Yoga is just a Physical exercise, but I have now learnt it is much more than just Physical.  It talks about Mindfulness, meditation, Compassion etc…” says Karma in the following Video interview with Voice of Tibet.

Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Hepatitis and Phowa are the main health concerns in the Tibetan exile community. In this Video, Karma demonstrates Yoga asanas or postures which are good for treating these diseases.

June 21 is celebrated as World Yoga Day. “Making Yoga a part of daily life will benefit you physically and mentally,”  says Karma. “And the best time is early morning with empty stomach.”

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