CTA Investment Award for Up and Coming Entrepreneurs

CTA Investment Award for Up and Coming Entrepreneurs

The Department of Finance of the Central Tibetan Administration presented investment awards of a sum of up-to 11 lakhs to four winners of an entrepreneurship competition organised by Tibetan Entrepreneurship Development (TED) from 31 Aug – 1 Sept 2015, reports Tibet.net

Mr. Gyalpo Tashi, the winner of the investment award competition being presented with a cash prize of four lakhs by Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay. Photo/Tibet.net
Mr. Gyalpo Tashi, the winner of the investment award competition being presented with a cash prize of four lakhs by Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay. Photo/Tibet.net

Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay presented the awards to the winners during the official ceremony to mark the 55th anniversary of Tibetan democracy day at Tsuklagkhang on 2 September.

The competition titled ‘Investment Award for Up and Coming Entrepreneurs’ was held to identify new entrepreneurs who have a great business plan but do not have the support to make it a reality.

The four winners are: Gyalpo Tashi of Tendrel Travels, Tsetan Dolker of Tibetan iTech, KA app development firm and Tibetan Physiotherapy Clinic

(Read the full report by Tibet.net here

Related Event: The first-ever Tibetan Entrepreneurs GameChangers Conference, organised by Tibetan Entrepreneurship Development (TED), an initiative of the Department of Finance is held from August 31 – Sept. 01, 2015 at Nyatri Hall, Gangchen Kyishong. Over a hundred Tibetan entrepreneurs and budding businessmen including web designers, fast food makers, organic product traders, mobile app designers, etc. participated in the two-day conference.

Pictures of the The first-ever Tibetan Entrepreneurs GameChangers Conference

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