Can this Tibetan Doctor end the misery of bald men?

Dr Sonam from US has invented an oil LIFE HAIR OIL, which he says can cure hair loss and many other problems.
In the video posted on the Facebook page of GomsVision Tsegon on June 13, he explains the benefits of the oil.
This Made in US oil seems to have raised the hopes of many Tibetans worrying about going bald. They want to give it a shot.
But some Tibetans, commenting on the video, are not so convinced by Dr Sonam’s claims, looking at his own hair.
Some just want to wait and see if it works on those who buy and use this oil.
Nevertheless, with the video garnering 18 thousand Views and 279 Shares, Dr Lobsang and his oil is definitely on the spotlight.
Here is the Video.