Who are these two Injis singing Punda Tso, making Tibetans teary?

This Facebook video of the two Injis, emotionally singing Punda tso in a moving car, instantly became viral in the Tibetan world as soon as the video was posted on 29th September.
This widely shared video has touched many Tibetans as can be seen from the comments on the video which has reached 57 K views in a week.
“Unsung heroes are singing for us all.. thank you for waking us up!” someone wrote. Another one reads; “Tears in my eyes (my first reaction) with this video. Thank you all for the unending support to our non-voilent cause. Thank you.”
So, who are these two Injis?
They are Javier and Paolo, friends of Tibet from Spain, on a road trip with Tibetan Member of Parliament from Europe Kusho Thupten Wangchen. They aim to cover 30 European countries to “request Europe to help bring about urgent dialogue between the Dalai Lama and Xi Jinping.”Check out the facebook page Dialogue4peace-tibet to know more about the trip and updates. Here is the Video of the Tibetan Community in London receiving them.
Punda Tso, Chigdril Gyi is a Tibetan Unity song sung by Jamyang Choeden in 90’s when he was at TIPA. Here is a video of him, now based in Switzerland, performing the song in 2012.