, the only Tibetan matrimonial website in exile

In this interview with Radio Free Asia TV, the founder of the website Arik Gyurmey talks about the aims and the challenges of the website, the journey so far and so on. is in Tibetan language.
Very Nice
I don’t see any individual or section for Tibetan matrimonial I dismayed?
Hi, let me introduce myself…I am from New Zealand from an Asian background and love Tibet very much. I am a lawyer and always up-to-date with what’s happening in Tibet. I would one day love to travel to Tibet and see your beautiful country.
I hope to make many Tibetan friends and wish them a happy life in the future
Many thanks
Hi, let me introduce myself…I am from New Zealand from an Asian background and love Tibet very much. I am a lawyer and always up-to-date with what’s happening in Tibet. I would one day love to travel to Tibet and see your beautiful country.
I hope to make many Tibetan friends and wish them a happy life in the future
Many thanks