New Book: Old Demons, New Deities: Twenty one Short stories from Tibet

New Book: Old Demons, New Deities: Twenty one Short stories from Tibet
Tenzin Dickie with the book.
Photo credit: Facebook /Tenzin Dickie

Edited by Tenzin Dickie, a writer and literary translator based in New York, this anthology has Short Stories by Tibetan writers from both inside and outside Tibet. It is the first English language anthology of modern Tibetan fiction to be published in the west.

The list of contributors include: Pema Bhum, Kyabchen Dedrol, Tsering Dondrup, Tsering Wangmo Dhompa, Tenzin Dorjee, Takbum Gyal, Tsering Namgyal Khortsa, Tsering Lama, Jamyang Norbu, Dhondup Tashi Rekjong, Pema Tsewang Shastri, Bhuchung D Sonam, Pema Tseden, Tenzin Tsundue, Woeser.

The book is available online @

The book Cover
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2 thoughts on “New Book: Old Demons, New Deities: Twenty one Short stories from Tibet

  1. Dear Tsetan la, I just found you on internet and looked through different tibetan artists on your website. What a wonderful idea and realization to put the work of Tibetan artists on the web ! I do appreciate your dedication to the tibetan cause.
    I am a Tibetan writer living in Switzerland. During almost 10 years, I collected tibetan “rodung” stories from my late father and wrote them down. It is my little personal contribution to save tibetan culture and the precious knowledge of our elders who slowly disappears like my father did in 2015. Since I live in the french speaking part of Switzerland, I wrote them down in french and they have been published first in 2012.
    2013, my book won the 2nd cultural prize given by the journal Tibetfocus of the “Swiss and Tibetan friendship society”. Page 6 and 7 on following internet link:

    After a very successful sale of my book, it is republished this year in an enriched version with some more stories collected from my root Lama. The internet link is as follows

    Then Shambhala publications in the US have found an interest in my storybook and published them in english in 2015. The internet link is as follows

    If you are interested in putting my book on your website, please don’t hesitate to contact me by email:

    Thank you for having taken your time to read my message. I am looking forward to hearing of you. Tashi delek from rainy Switzerland.
    Tenzin Wangmo

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