TENZIN KILLED at Jogiwara road, Dharamsala

TENZIN KILLED at Jogiwara road, Dharamsala

TENZIN KILLED (བསྟན་འཛིན་བསད་པ་) is title of the “first modern-day murder mystery novel in Tibetan language.” This new novel is  written by Tenzin Nyima and published by BlackNeck Books.

Organized by TibetWrites, TENZIN KILLED Book Launch was held on May 4 at The Other Space in Jogiwara road, Dharamsala.

Writer Bhuchung  Sonam and Writer/Activist Tenzin Tsundue are Founders of the Tibetwrites.com and BlackNeck Books which publishes books by Tibetan writers.

Want a copy of this new book ?  Contact BlackNeck Books. 

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