Sixty thousand Tibetans live in North America and Europe now

Sixty thousand Tibetans live in North America and Europe now

Exile Tibetan population in North America is 36,000 and Europe is 24,000, according to CTA’s baseline report published in Sept,2020.

With 13,000 Tibetans, New York/New Jersey has the largest Tibetan population in the US, followed by 5000 in Minnesota and 3000 in Northern California.  While Toronto, with 8000 Tibetans, has the largest Tibetan population in Canada.

France (8000), Switzerland (8000), and Belgium (5000) are the three countries in Europe having the largest Tibetan population.

Generally, the Tibetan population in exile is estimated to be 1,50,000.  According to the Tibetan Demographic Survey (TDS) 2009, the Tibetan population in India is 94,000, followed by 13,000 in Nepal and 18,000 outside South Asia (mostly in North America and Europe.)

TDS 2019 had been conducted but the findings are yet to be announced officially.

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