“We need to encourage younger people to take up Teaching as a profession. Teaching is one of best professions for Tibetans to pursue as a ….
Italy-based Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rimpoche was a Tibetan Dzogchen Master who passed away on September 27, 2018. Italian Government honored him with Italy’s highest recognition, ….
Tibetan Transgender Mariko is one of the contestants in MTV India’s new reality show, Ace of Space, which went on the air in Oct, 2018. ….
Dr Sonam from US has invented an oil LIFE HAIR OIL, which he says can cure hair loss and many other problems. In the video posted on the ….
Dharamsala’s crematorium is where the alcoholics and drug addicts come to sleep at night after spending their day at Mcleod Ganj begging for money and ….