DC Tibetan Book Club

In this VOA Tibetan interview posted online on June 16, Tenzin Noryang, Co-Founder of the DC Tibetan Book Club, talks about the book club started in 2011.
The book club which meets every month discusses mainly books on Tibet. The last gathering of the club saw the biggest turn out as the book in discussion was, the most awaited and much talked book of the year: Anne F. Thurston’s THE NOODLE MAKER of KALIMPONG, life story Gyalo Dhondup, the elder brother of Dalai Lama.
SURVIVING the DRAGON, life story of Arjia Rimpoche, is up for the next meeting of the club.
Avid reader since childhood, Noryang hopes more Tibetans think about starting book clubs in their communities “to develop valuable learning and healthy discussion, not to mention being a lot of fun for everyone.”