Ignoring Software Update is a dangerous digital behavior

Ignoring Software Update is a dangerous digital behavior

This video by Tibet Action Institute shows ignoring “UPDATE” reminders leaves you “vulnerable to having your personal data stolen or your conversations and communications spied on.“

The informative yet entertaining video stars actor/comedian Sonam Wangdue and lawyer Tenzin Wangyal.

Don't wait, update!

We've all done it. We've all said "Later" to a software update and then, when the reminder popped up, we said "Later" again. But did you know this is dangerous digital behavior? Using out-of-date software (i.e. operating systems, programs like Microsoft Word, and mobile apps) leaves you vulnerable to having your personal data stolen or your conversations and communications spied on. Don't put off "Updates" until "Later" – take care of your security right now and stay safer online. Remember: Don’t wait, update!For more information, visit: https://www.cybersuperhero.net/dont-wait-update/

Posted by Tibet Action Institute on Wednesday, February 24, 2016

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