Shenpenn in conversation with Anurag Kashyap (Video)

Shenpenn in conversation with Anurag Kashyap (Video)
Shenpenn with Anurag Kashyap at VIVISAFF 2015
Shenpenn with Anurag Kashyap at VIVISAFF 2015      Photo: Shenpenn’s Facebook Page

Vancouver-based Tibetan artist/activist Shenpenn Khymsar interviews the acclaimed Indian filmmaker Anurag Kashyap at the 5th Vancouver International South Asian Film Festival.

Shenpenn explores the life, films and film making journey of Anurag, who is known for breaking the stereotype of Hindi films by making unconventional and controversial films like Paanch, Black Friday, Dev.D  and Gangs of Waseeypur. 

Aspiring filmmaker Shenpenn made his film making debut with his documentary, Journey of a Dream

Watch this VOA Kunleng interview to know more about him.

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