Story of Lhasang Tsering, the rebel with the Cause (Video)

Story of Lhasang Tsering, the rebel with the Cause (Video)

Lhasang Tsering, who became the first Tibetan to say the Middle Way Policy is unrealistic and unacceptable, is one of the most recognized face of Tibetan Independence movement in Exile.

Lhasang, who gave up the opportunity to study medicine in US to join the Mustang Guerilla, tells his story and principles in this rare interview with the students of University of Arkansas, US.


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One thought on “Story of Lhasang Tsering, the rebel with the Cause (Video)

  1. Love his inspiring courage, dedication and everlasting patriotism. Long after being his student and good fortune to work with him for a short amount of time, I still respect his thoughts and understanding of the ground realities of Tibetan current situation even though the tide of events and time are against us.

    What we need now is more of such an inspiring leaders whose focus are directed toward regaining our fatherland land not on personal interests like fame, power and one’s on future benefits. It is high time us to wake up!! We, Tibetans should be ever mindful of from dawn to dust every day that it is now or never. Accordingly, we should strive for strengthening our unity and efforts toward regaining our land back.

    This is a struggle for conserving and protecting Buddhism. Hence, the right struggle for all sentient beings’ benefit and achieving Buddhahood for people who believe in spirituality.

    Finally, thanks Gen. Lhasang la.

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