Rave reviews for Kunsel’s Music video featuring Sonam Topden

New York-based singer Tenzin Kunsel’s Music video titled, Kunsel, got 50,000 views in just 24 hours after it was posted on her Facebook fan page.
Enthusiastic fans are going gaga over this duet with comments such as, “OMG, this is perfect,” and “Its freaking lovely.” Some going to the extent of declaring it as the “best ever Tibetan music video in exile.”
Not just the Tibetans, this video managed to draw the attention of many Nepalis and westerners as well. But the absence of subtitle in this video seems to have disappointed some of them.
Nevertheless, the video has received unprecedented attention, even getting featured in Cyber Tibet segment of VOA Kunleng.
Filmed in Dharamsala, this video is the creation of Taklha and the team which came out with Sonam Topden’s Hit music video Palkyi la just a month ago.
Kunsel video is just a week old, but has received 86 K views, over 1K shares, and 400 comments so far, which is unprecedented for a Tibetan music video in exile.