3000 Tibetans move abroad every year, says Researcher Tsewang Rinzin  

3000 Tibetans move abroad every year, says Researcher Tsewang Rinzin  
Tsewang Rinzin, second from left, during the book release in Dharamsala. Photo Courtesy: TSPAA
Tsewang Rinzin, second from left, at his book release in Dharamsala. Photo Courtesy: TSPAA

“A reliable source told me that at least 3000 Tibetans from India move abroad every year,” said Tsewang Rinzin during the VOA kunleng discussion about his just released book, The Exile Tibetan Community: Problems and Prospects.  

“If the number of Tibetans moving abroad continues at this rate, out of the total Tibetan population in exile, 43 percent will be abroad and 57 percent in South Asia by year 2020,” said Tsewang Rinzin.

In the 35 minute program,  author of the book talked about the problems Tibetan diaspora and especially Central Tibetan Administration may face after 30-50 years if the Tibetan issue still remains unresolved.

Alarmingly low fertility rate, education standard in Tibetan schools, future of the Tibetan settlements, and CTA after Dalai Lama, are some of the thought provoking issues discussed in the program.

Here is the VOA Kunleng discussion: 

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