Tibetan working for UN in Africa

Tenzin Keyzom Massally is among the slowly but growing number of younger Tibetan professionals working and excelling in international organizations.
Currrently, she works as a Technical Specialist for fragile States at United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) based in Freetown, Sierra Leone.
“My main job is to help improve the lives of the poor people there,” says Tenzin in the interview with Voice of Tibet.
With her passion and background in Social Businesses, she has experience of working in countries such as Papua New Guinea, Pakistan and Iraq as well.
Born and raised in India, she moved to US with her family in the 90’s under the Project of resettling 1000 Tibetans in US.
With the experience of working with governments and private enterprises in different countries, she has been involved with the CTA’s TED project since 2013, and was one of the key speakers during the Five-fifty Forum in Dharamsala couple of months back.
“Where there is a will, there is a way,” she says in this interview with Voice of Tibet, in which she takes us through the adventurous journey of her life so far.